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The Clinical Informatics Wiki -- Clinfowiki

The Clinical Informatics Wiki is an implementation of a wiki devoted to topics in clinical informatics. To begin a new article, or edit an existing article, you must first create an account and login to the ClinfoWiki.

Please see documentation on customizing the interface and the User's Guide for usage and configuration help.

You can test your edits as much as you want in the Sandbox.

We are currently working on 1,581 articles, and we need your help to complete this study of Clinical Informatics. See Special:Statistics for more complete information on the site.

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems

see EMR

==Computer-based Provider Order Entry -- CPOE== see CPOE

==Clinical Decision Support -- CDS== see CDS

==Personal Health Records -- PHRs== see PHR

Blueprint for a Comprehensive HIT System

==Biobanking -- a.k.a. Biorepositories or Tissue Banks == see BioBanking

==Regional Health Information Organizations -- RHIOs== see RHIO

==Evidence-Based Medicine -- EBM== see EBM

U.S. Federal Health Information Technology Initiatives

The E-Patient-Provider Relationship

Interface Terminology

International views

Blogposium, April 2006

The Blogposium, held from April 18-20, was an innovation in collaborative blogging and wiki building.

The effort marshalled the expertise and energy of several dozen health bloggers and volunteers to expand and refine this Clinical Informatics Wiki. Bloggers posted their first drafts of entries as posts or links to this wiki and invited readers to provide comments and edit suggestions.

While many bloggers and readers contributed to this Web 2.0 innovation in collaborative work, key participants included the follow blogs. Please visit them and thank them for their contributions:

Reviews of Recent articles on Clinical Informatics

See Reviews

Endowed Professorships and Chairs in Health / Medical / Nursing / Biomedical Informatics

see Endowed Professorships

External Links