HIT plants SEEDS in healthcare education

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The following is a review of the article, “HIT plants SEEDS in healthcare education" [1] and how it addresses the impact of teaching EHR to nursing students.


Nursing students in school learn to properly document their patient's assessments. The authors of the article propose a curriculum addition for undergraduate nursing students that teach the students how to navigate through the clinical information system (CIS).


The curriculum was named Simulated E-health Delivery System (SEEDS). The students were using a modified version of Cerner's electronic health record known as PowerChart. The students were taught how to document on PowerChart during their skills laboratory course. In their skills laboratory course, they learned physical examination techniques and clinical procedures. According to Connors, Warren, and Weaver (2007), nursing curriculums that incorporate the use of EHRs will build up the students' informatic skills (p. 132).


An evaluation of the SEEDS curriculum for the nursing students showed that there was "increased satisfaction with learning skills useful for practice and improved critical thinking ability" (Connors et al., 2007, p. 132). The electronic health record (EHR) helped the students by providing cues to what needed to be documented. Also, the EHR helped the students to ask more thorough questions when assessing their patients because the EHR's structured data entry screens helped them to determine relevant and irrelevant data. The authors encourage more health sciences schools to incorporate clinical information system into their curriculum to enhance their student's understanding of CIS.


This article serves as a good guidance in teaching the importance of documenting on an EHR. Student nurses rarely understand how to properly document in CPOE when looking up of physician orders. A majority of student nurse’s training with CPOE’s are developed when he/she begin practicing on it early in their skills developing stage. Although there are different EHR vendors that offer different formats , it is essential for nursing students to have a basic understanding on how to navigate through CPOE and its effects on patient care. This should also apply to physicians as well. Perhaps medical schools should invest in the same training so that medical students, “soon to be physicians”, will be more open to adopting the use of a CPOE or EHR system after graduation. After all “several studies emphasize the importance of investing heavily in and requiring upfront training for all staff members to avoid negative impacts on workflow, costly setbacks, and productivity losses.”[2]


  1. Connors, H., Warren, J., & Weaver, C. (2007). HIT plants SEEDS in healthcare education. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 31(2), 129-133
  2. Blavin, F., Ramos, C., Shah, A., & Devers, K. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2013). Lessons from the literature on electronic health record implementation. Retrieved from website: http://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/hit_lessons_learned_lit_review_final_08-01-2013.pdf