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Charles Safran is a primary care internist who has devoted his professional career to improving patient care through the creative use of informatics. He leads a small boutique consulting practice specializing on the strategic use of information technology in healthcare and whose clients have included fortune 100 companies, private equity firms, start-up companies, federal, state and foreign governments. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and on the staff of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. He is the immediate past President and Chairman of American Medical Informatics Association was previously Vice-President of the International Medical Informatics Association. He is an elected fellow of both the American College of Medical Informatics and the American College of Physicians. Dr. Safran is co-Editor of the International Journal of Medical Informatics and on the Health on the Net (HON) Foundation Council. He was recently appointed by the to the Consumer Empowerment workgroup of the American Health Information Community formed by the US Secretary of Health. During his career he has helped develop and deploy large institutional integrated clinical computing systems, ambulatory electronic health records, clinical decision support systems to help clinicians treat patients with HIV/AIDS and most recently personal care support systems for parents with premature infants which he calls collaborative healthware. He founded a company, Clinician Support Technology and as its CEO successfully brought his ideas to a national market. The company’s products and technology were acquired by a major public company. He has over 150 publications and speaks to national and international audiences. He has recently testified for the U.S. Congress on Health IT. He graduated cum laude in Mathematics and hold a Masters degree in mathematical logic and a Doctor of Medicine all from Tufts University.