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== EHR issues in Critical Access Hospitals ==
Implementation of an EHR is an overwhelming task no matter where it is done.  However, achieving this task in a critical access hospital (defined as a hospital that provides 24-hour emergency services with less than 25 acute care and swing beds and is more than 35 miles from another hospital) with limited resources is more challenging.  A recent study addressing this issue is EHR Implementation Advice to Critical Access Hospitals from Peer Experts and Other Key Informants http://aci.schattauer.de/en/contents/archive/issue/1824/manuscript/20820.html].
== Methods ==
* 16 peer experts
* 3 vendor representatives
* 7 implementation experts
* 6 EHR consultants
* 3 CAH Regional Extension Center representatives
* 4 researchers in clinical informatics and HIT policy
* 2 national EHR policy stakeholders
These groups were split into CAH peer experts and all experts.
* 1  "What are the things you'd want to know most about planning and preparation processes for EHR implementation at CAHs?  Name two."
* 2  "What advice would you give CAHs on the planning and preparation processes for EHR implementation?"
== Results ==
19 themes, ranked in order of number of times mentioned, from expert comments:
* EHR Team
* Communication
* Clinician/Physician Buy-in/Ownership
* Budget/Financial Resources
* EHR System Selection
* Preparatory Work
* Technology
* Optimization/Ongoing Work
* Outside Partners/Information Resources
* EHR Training/Go-live Support
* Workflow/Productivity
* Project Management
* Purpose/Goals
* Leadership
* Change/Encouragement
* Policy/Meaningful Use
* Governance
* System Install/Go-live
* Clinical Decision Support/Knowledge Management
'''Reoccuring Suggestions that Crossed Multiple Themes'''
Although some suggestions were specific to a theme, it is interesting that some suggestions were given with multiple themes.  These included the suggestion that a group from the CAH travel to see each EHR in use at another CAH before purchase.  This delegation should include key stakeholders at the institution as well as end-point users.  The delegates should meet with their peers at the CAH already running the system and elicit comments about build, go-live, vendor support, difficulties, resolution of those difficulties, and ongoing use. 
It was also mentioned across several themes to involve all departments including those who will use the system on a day to day basis, not just management.  These employees can often give better feedback on how the system will work in the daily operations than department managers can.
== Discussion ==
Ranking of comments generated by CAH peer experts vs. all experts shows a different order of importance, showing that either CAH peer experts or non-CAH experts have a knowledge gap.

Latest revision as of 22:41, 17 October 2015