Features of effective computerized clinical decision support systems: meta-regression of 162 randomized trials

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Clinical Decision Support (CDSS) provide to physicians a tool that could help to make better and more informed decisions at the point of care. However, issues such as workflow disruption, lack of adequate training as well as cost of implementation prevent the wide adoption of CDS.


Preventable medical errors cost the lives of many people each year. Evidence-based medicine provides to clinicians a resource that can potentially decrease the amount of mistakes committed in the medical setting, enhancing the quality of healthcare services. In order to successfully implement a clinical decision support system there are important features that a system should have in order to be an efficient one.[1]





  1. Features of effective computerized clinical decision support systems: meta-regression of 162 randomized trials http://www.bmj.com.ezproxyhost.library.tmc.edu/content/346/bmj.f657.long